The Infinite Pulse

I have learned and experienced Breath of Fire for the first time! Unbelievable how much of a difference it is to experience Breath of Fire without the fierce inhale and exhale, but to find that Infinite pulse within. Just to share..I experienced this Infinite pulse after some 43,200 pumps and 900 inhales and exhales. This is what we will work up to someday together!

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The Kriya: Sodarshan Chakra Kriya

Sit in Easy Pose with straight spine and apply neck lock.

Focus at the tip of the nose.


Block the right nostril with the right thumb. The other fingers point straight up with the palm facing to the left. Consciously inhale through the left nostril, taking a slow deep breath. Suspend the breath as you mentally pulse the mantra at the navel. To exhale, unblock the right nostril and place the right index finger or pinkie finger on the left nostril to block it, exhaling through the right nostril. Let the breath go in a steady full exhale as you draw back the navel. The breath repeats in this way throughout the entire practice.INHALE ONLY THROUGH THE LEFT NOSTRIL AND EXHALE ONLY THROUGH THE RIGHT NOSTRIL.

Wah-Hay Guroo:

Repeat the mantra mentally as a three beat sound. Wah is one, Hay is two, Guroo is three. On each mental vibration on each part of the mantra you pull the Navel Point in; that is 3 pulses of the Navel Point for each Wah-Hay Guroo.

To Practice:

Inhale deeply, suspend the breath and repeat the mantra a total of 16 times. The total number of the Navel Point is 48. Then you exhale completely. Mentally focus on the pulse of the mantra, and be conscious of the subtle energetic changes that accompany merger with the sound.

3 minutes, 11 min, 31 min, 62 min, working up to 2 1/2 hours

Inhale deeply, suspend the breath 10-15 seconds, and then exhale. Repeat. Then inhale, and stretch the arms, shake every part of the body. Relax the breath and breath and keep shaking and moving your body, Then deeply relax!

We will be exploring together this Infinite pulse. We invite questions and dialoging through out your experience to find this inside of you, and within the context and newness we will develop a relationship to the Infinite pulse.

Yoga means nothing but your own vital energy inside. It is when you can understand and you are United with the Infinite spirit of creative God. That’s all yoga is. A simple science though now we have got so many different brands and games we manufacture about it. But fact is, it is what it is.–Yogi Bhajan