Aquarian, we have to be dismembered in order to be reborn, patterns that we hold as a country: a karmic moment challenging the fate of US. Can we have an awakening? How close can we bond? Step into creative power. Have we become so arrogant that we don’t know how to govern? To liberate, to teach, to educate? Can we send love and prayer to police officers to National guards!
We will be guided by Athena the wisdom if we stay in our hearts at this moment. We are all being tested as the virus continues to spread, but the whole world knows that we see we are all connected in this one breath!
Find the language to communicate where heart meets the throat. Embody the heavens in the divine language. To be in right relationship with each other not about opinions or projection! This is not Aquarian. Different frequency different vibration. Feel it all the way. Accountability for all our actions!
Send the prayer of openheartedness! Transfigured darkness into the consciousness. Uranus Mars awakening into a disciplined daily practice! Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius. How our relationship is to media, most peaked in January?
Birthing is never an easy process!
Sat Nam