By Yogi Amandeep Singh
The Yogic science divides man into eight energy centres. In Sanskrit they are known as Chakras – which means pranic/cosmic energy centres in the subtle body.
They are located along the spine of the physical body. They are the passages through which prana/ cosmic energy flows. They are responsible for receiving and expressing energy and are also storage centres of our life’s experiences. They affect us physically, mentally and spiritually.
The 8 Chakras are:
1st Chakra
Muladhara Chakra
Corresponding spot in the physical body: Base of spine.
2nd Chakra
Svadhistana Chakra
Corresponding spot in the physical body: About 4 fingers below navel
3rd Chakra
Manipura Chakra
Corresponding spot in the physical body: Area of Navel Point
4th Chakra
Anahata Chakra
Corresponding spot in the physical body: Area in the middle of chest
5th Chakra
Vishudha Chakra
Corresponding spot in the physical body: The Throat
6th Chakra
Agia Chakra
Corresponding spot in the physical body: Between the eyebrows
7th Chakra
Sahasrara Chakra
Corresponding spot in the physical body: Crown of the head
8th Chakra
Area around the physical body
(The aura can expand between 3 to 9 feet on each side around the physical body.)
The first three Chakras (Muladhara, Svadhistana & Manipura) belong to the body, they are earth bound Chakras. They pull the consciousness downwards.
The next three Chakras (Anahata, Vishudha & Agia) belong to the mind, they are sky bound Chakras. They pull the consciousness upwards.
And the seventh Chakra (Sahasrara) is beyond body and mind, it is the seat of the soul. The highest peak in evolution, which our consciousness can reach.
Eight the Aura contains all of the above. It is the bag within which all the Chakras are contained.
Upward & Downward struggle of consciousness
Individuals who live a life of indulges, the body-centred people, their earth bound Chakras became unbalanced and they get stuck in the first three lower Chakras. For them life is revolved around money, power, sex, name and fame.
Some, who have gone beyond the body and have realised there is more to life than just eating, sleeping and mating, they start searching for higher purpose in life. Having balanced their lower Chakras, they ascend into the sky bound Chakras.
When the consciousness moves up into Sky Bound Chakras, you start becoming more peaceful, loving and inner silence blossoms.
When consciousness moves downward into Earth Bound Chakras and if they are unbalanced, struggle, anxiety and tension prevail.
The whole life is a struggle between the earth and sky, the body and the mind. We are constantly being pulled upward and downward.
But you are neither the body nor mind. You are beyond both; your real home is in the Seventh Chakra, Sahasrara which is the seat of your soul.
Realizing that you are the soul which is not the body or the mind, but that which contains the body and the mind, you project that realization through your Aura. In this state all the Chakras became balanced and one dwells freely in the Chakras without attachment.
Balancing Chakras:
Chakras are like a closed lotus flower bud, seeing the bud, one have no idea that there would be such a beautiful flower within. When the sun rises in the morning, and light spreads, the lotus blooms, spreading its aroma and beauty.
Similarly, Chakras are closed buds within us and when the sun of awareness known as Dhayana awakens, the Chakras bloom, spreading the aroma of peace and happiness. Different experiences start manifesting within.
Sri Guru Granth Sahib states, “Jo Brahmendey Soee Pindey” what is in the universe is within. You would be amazed to know that the universe within is as large as the universe outside. Until now we have only paid attention to the outer universe and only outer things have become active. When we became aware of the inner universe, then inner things became active.
To enter the inner universe, we need to bring our awareness in. This can be done easily through Chakras. Choose one of the Chakras in your body and just became aware of it. On whichever Chakra you bring your awareness, that centre would become active. Spend about 3 min on each. It’s all about bringing your awareness in, which is always out.
Example to activate Heart Chakra:
Eyes are closed, sit in easy pose, bring hands into Gian Mudra and bring your awareness at the Heart Centre. Just feel the area in the centre of your chest. You can visualize white light in your heart centre if that helps to anchor your awareness.
Do this for 3 to 5 min every day. You will find that love would start increasing in your being. All energies will start flowing freely. You would feel deeply united with yourself and the creation. Soon people around you would notice the change in you.
We would look into each Chakra in detail, in the coming newsletters.