A Spontaneous Generosity of Heart

Dear Friend.

As we develop through the stages of our growth, we encounter several types of teachers. Of course, we have many instructors and many teachers in the various arts of living. But we have five primary teachers and stages of learning that forge a deep relationship with our Self. In order to have an authentic relationship, we must find our Self. We need to experience our spirit, gain a concept of it and test our Self so we can trust in our caliber and in our connection to the Infinite. Without this we rely on every possible substitute and form a false core of relationships.

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Happy Love Day Happy Valentines Day!

Dearest Community,

Happy Valentines Day dear Ones! ❤️ I know we are doing so much better now having completed our 4 workshops on Housekeeping! Wow! I am grateful to feel refreshed and renewed! We will start a new series on Saturday stay tuned!

So on this day I offer you some heartfelt Sufi poetry from a dear SOUL in Istanbul, waheguru, so blessed to receive thank you! Seen and unseen you are right here in my heart ❤️❤️

Love to you all,

Sat Nam


Patience is Wisdom

Dear Friend,

May the very light that shines for thee be shared so the planet offers her warmth to all🔥❄️😌

“Patience is wisdom, when the body identity goes, one has company of the self. Subtle means our own ancient timeless pure self. Your ideas about yourself go on changing throughout time but you want to identify yourself. Impressions of yourself start at birth, consciousness should be worshipped as GOD! Due to your body identity, this oneness cannot be experienced, Atman means I the luminous consciousness which is free and formless.”

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Stand Tall Stand Strong!

Aquarian, we have to be dismembered in order to be reborn, patterns that we hold as a country: a karmic moment challenging the fate of US. Can we have an awakening? How close can we bond? Step into creative power. Have we become so arrogant that we don’t know how to govern? To liberate, to teach, to educate? Can we send love and prayer to police officers to National guards!

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Goddess Columbia

Dear Friend,

The time is now, now is the time, to step back, and move forward as we stay aware each moment of our day. We need not become analytical at the end of our day before rest. Our brain can diffuse as we go about our actions consciously throughout each interaction so it needs no attention later.

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Happy 2021!

Dear Friend,

It all started here in Nature, The exquisite Colorado Rockies🙏The remains of the year 2020 pass the baton into 2021 from zero to one. I am sure we are all in agreement we choose this one. We build this world with a little (a lot) help from our friends, family, their wisdom, courage and patience. The huge foot prints we witness in the forest reminds us we are not alone, tread gently on the Mother’s landscape…here I choose to share a few of our adventures from forest to kitchen and some four legged and others will stay in my heart and prayer along every trail we walk together!

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Awaken Into the Fire

My dearest friend,

You make me stronger than I have ever been! It is hard to see changes through chaos, how ever tiny they make themselves known, they are significant! The wonder each bring forth is an expression, movement, breakthrough🙏

Deep breath! Inhale Sat, exhale Nam! Truth is my identity, my seed planted firmly.

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