Kirtan: the expression of divine love

By Durga Das (David Newman)

Kirtan means to chant or sing with devotion.  Kirtan is an ancient tradition of expressing one’s yearning and love for the Divine through song.  As asana or yoga postures are a staple in the practice of Hatha Yoga, Kirtan is the foundation practice of another great spiritual heritage called Bhakti Yoga or the Yoga of Love.
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By Sukhdev | Aykanna

It was warm dewy Los Angeles night when Akahdahmah, who was my friend back then, picked me up from my J.O.B and took me to some event at Krishna Kaur’s house. There was an excitement in the room as some fifty people in white gathered for a special event. It was all brand new to me, I was taking it in. We all settled and I felt pretty comfortable until people started chanting, they had their hands out and begun to rise their voices in unified melodies and words I had never heard before.
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