Constant Conscious Conversation to Stoke the Life Force

June 13th 6:30-8:30pm Mountain

@ The Center for Human Flourishing in Carbondale, Colorado

Registration Coming Soon

Workshop Offered by Karuna with Special Musical Sound Guest, Katie Smith

How do we have a continuous conscious dialog with ourselves and others, inside and outside of meditation, to keep the flow of the primal lifeforce energy filling our cup and the collective vessel we hold together as One?

Regulate the giver of your life, the praana, and balance the praana, apaana, and udyaana so that you always can be in your self-consolidated ecstasy. There is a yogic sutra (aphorism) which I would like to translate: Any person who asks his praana to “make me live,” his udyaana to “maintain me,” and his apaana to “let me live” can always be healthy. – Praana Praanee Praanayam

When performed correctly, the importance of the kriyas offered today will include a study of udyaana vayu, which governs projection. Each time it comes, your udyaan loves the praan, and that’s why you breathe. The union is right there. Whenpraan goes out, the udyaan waits for it. Until the praan comes, udyaan doesn’t go anywhere. Praan goes out and goes in for what? Union with udyaan. Udyaana vayu operates in the area of the throat (larynx) upward. It is the area of the 5th Chakra. It is commanded by the pituitary, called Ajna, and its functional group is hands, legs, and organs.

Feel and become aware of your power to be, or not to be, based at the 5th Chakra. You will understand the importance of how you exercise the tongue in dialog when you talk to yourself and others. Words are vibration. Mantra is sound current. Whatever you talk and do, everything is the strength of the 5th Chakra, it is your point of projection-self-initiation. So, life’s creative angle is based on the 5th Chakra. You have the power for self care, to co-create your being and raise your personal and communal vibration with constant conscious conversation flowing in partnership with your primal lifeforce energy.

The kriyas offered in this workshop are deeply personal and will develop slowly, gently, and with sophistication. No extreme effort or prior experience is required. All are welcome. The only requisite is an open heart and an ego left at the door.

  • Open with a meet and greet in a sacred circle
  • Perform light warmups with Kundalini Yoga
  • Two specific kriya with asana for balancing life and balancing praana and apaana
  • Restorative, guided repose (Shavasana) accompanied with gong and singing bowls (sound and vibration applied to raise the frequency of the participants)
  • Meditation on your own praana, including mantra
  • Important:Participants should bring a shawl or shoulder covering, cushion and yoga mat if possible. They also are encouraged and welcomed to bring their own crystal (optional).

About Karuna

Karuna brings over 40 years of experience and her own unique brand of compassion, enthusiasm, and pure joy to every Kundalini Yoga practice. Based in Boulder, CO, she offers private, one-on-one teachings designed for each individual, holds weekend intensives on varying themes including rebirthings, relationships, women’s issues, practicing non-violence, understanding grief, and mastering challenges, and leads special events and retreats all over the world including an annual Reboot Retreat in Costa Rica. Her certification is with the Kundalini Research Institute (KRI) including Level One, Two, and Three Teacher Training Programs and Prenatal Yoga. She practices Ayurvedic healing and is an ordained Interfaith Minister. A former Ford model and actress, Karuna is co-founder of Light on Light Publications and Media and host editor for its magazine’s annual Yoga editions in partnership with the International Day of Yoga Committee at the United Nations. Karuna’s Kundalini Yoga Teachings can be found on her Light on Kundalini website:

About Katie Smith

Emerging intuitive artist Katie Smith discovered her soul gift of inviting people to connect with the power of their inner wisdom and capacity for unconditional love through the energy of the open heart following her own spontaneous spiritual awakening in Mexico. Katie brings forward skills from her former occupations as a professional musician and speaker and recent training as a certified Wayfinder life coach, which she combines with shamanic practices and sound healing techniques gained through her own awakening and inspired by mentors she has been blessed to learn from along the way. The resulting unique frequency healing and energy activation sacred spaces she creates are her vision in action to be of service to the awakening of humanity starting at the individual and community levels. Katie’s philosophy is that we are each our own healer, and our first commitment is to our individual path of healing and expanding awareness so that we, as “cells” of the collective, may impact the greater health and consciousness of the whole. Light Anchor Alchemy