Karuna Leads Workshop at SAND Conference

by Dr Kurt Johnson, co-author of The Coming Interspiritual Age

Karuna presented a one-hour experiential on Kundalini Yoga at the Science and Non-Duality (SAND) conference held in SanJose, CA Oct 23-26, 2014.

SAND is the world’s largest gathering on the subject of science and spirituality and specifically, on the subject of “awakened consciousness” (non-duality) and science and spirit. In its 7th year in the US, SAND brings together the likes of quantum physicists and neuroscientists who are interested in how their fields are recognizing age-old spiritual truths, and revered spiritual teachers thrilled that modern science is discovering the realm of awakened or non-dual consciousness.

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The Infinite Pulse

I have learned and experienced Breath of Fire for the first time! Unbelievable how much of a difference it is to experience Breath of Fire without the fierce inhale and exhale, but to find that Infinite pulse within. Just to share..I experienced this Infinite pulse after some 43,200 pumps and 900 inhales and exhales. This is what we will work up to someday together!

I encourage your feed back!
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Kirtan: the expression of divine love

By Durga Das (David Newman)

Kirtan means to chant or sing with devotion.  Kirtan is an ancient tradition of expressing one’s yearning and love for the Divine through song.  As asana or yoga postures are a staple in the practice of Hatha Yoga, Kirtan is the foundation practice of another great spiritual heritage called Bhakti Yoga or the Yoga of Love.
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Radiant Beauty

by Guru Prem Singh Khalsa

I believe that radiance is best described as “hue-man” a life filled with the divine light, glowing, beaming and bright.

Real and lasting radiance comes from deep within and mostly shines out to the world through the eyes, the skin and the smile.  This becomes the 10th/ Radiant body, the carrier of the aura, arc-line and electromagnetic field.

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The Ups and Downs of Forward Bends

By Guru Prem Singh Khalsa

The yogic journey begins with bowing, not only physically, but with devotion and humility. Forward bending is essentially the most basic of movements. It is the first movement to which we attach an exhalation. Forward bends or “bows” require learning the skill of rooting into a position in order to create a controlled release as we bend forward. In learning how to bend forward correctly, we are setting the foundation for building many other postures, like wide leg stretches, single leg stretches, and standing forward bends. The fundamentals listed below are applied, whether sitting or standing, moving fast or slow, with our feet together or apart.
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